Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Hello, and welcome to my Design Blog. This blog was created for the sole purpose as an assignment for my Technical Writing course, .010. That being said, everything you see here is only for educational purposes, NOT FOR PROFIT, and more importantly, everything you see here is temporary, posted only to fulfill assignment requirements. Beyond such an educational explanation, I hope you can enjoy the imagines I can collected here, as they represent a myriad of images that have caught my eye for some reason or another throughout the course of this Fall semester, 2007.


Saturday, November 24, 2007

No. 1

I think many people can see why I thought this image was worth posting to my blog. Whoever did this image had quite a bit of creative talent on their hands, as is evident in the transition from the fire to the water. A very interesting image from the net, and a very good example I think of good design in an illustration to start off my Design Blog.

Source - http://www.myspace.com

No. 2

At first I was surprised to find out that the metal in this picture is actually Calcium. So rare is it that I ever see Calcium outside of its mineralized form (as calcium carbonate) that I forget that Calcium in indeed a metal, and a bright and shiny one at that too when it's relatively pure. The things you learn everyday.

Source - http://www.theodoregray.com/PeriodicTable/Samples/020.2/index.s12.html

No. 3

The base for this lamp is indeed the D-cell battery. I was taken by the design of this product. The lamp, with only one LED as a light source, lasts many hours on one battery.

Source - http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/lights/9b69/

No. 5

Although totally frivolous, no one can say that having bright blue water pour from the tap wouldn't be cool. The actual device is the small cylinder attached to the faucet, which housed the blue LED. I don't know of it only works when the water is on, but if there is a button on the thing, it would make for one interesting night light.

Source - http://www.thinkgeek.com/homeoffice/gear/8122/

No. 6

If I carried any clout, I would give this device a design award for coolest camping gadget. I do a good deal of camping, and let me just say that after seeing this, my days of eating sandy bacon on the beach are over. the whole contraption fits inside the bigger bar too, truly eliminating the need to lug a large grill top to the campsite. Long live the cool gadget.

Source - http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/tools/93d9/

No. 7

This image, although it is of a rather harmless Vitamin E or something like that, screams Big Pharm (as in pharmaceuticals) to me. The glossy properties of the container and the little pills seem so alien a product to be medications, but I suppose there is something familiar about ingesting items with the same shine as a wristwatch. But before anyone says anything, I am making a general point, and I understand that the vitamin E pictured here is only to be used topically.

Source - http://author.ecu.edu/cs-studentlife/studenthealth/Pharmacy-insurance-plans.cfm